Friday, October 19, 2012

               This French movie the class describes the relationship between students and teachers, most of the scenes from this movie is taken inside the classroom, because this movie shows on how to handle students specially the students of the other country with different personalities, behavior, nationality, beliefs and culture.
                The movie mostly focused on how Mr. Marin deals with his class that has students with different races and influences, I can really say that every time and everyday that he inters his class he struggles with his students specially those students who are very disrespectful specially Esmeralda and Khumba, they are sit mates and friends and they always interrupt every time Mr. Marin discuss his lessons, they are showing disrespect, they are whispering, they are laughing and doing some other stuffs. The other student who also shows disrespect with Mr. Marin is Souleymen hi is an Islam, he always makes things that will make the classroom discussion interrupted and quarrel with his classmates that has good concentration and focused and sometime he uses his hand to hurt his classmates, even though most of the students show disrespect to Mr. Marin there is still a student who is respectful he is Wei, he is usually very quiet, he is always smiling and he is intelligent and he is a Chinese.
                Mr. Marin had done everything to handle his students, he manage the class well , he uses effective methods of teaching that will make his students learn, he entertains questions and explains well when there is something that his students doesn’t understand, he motivates his students and appreciates them to boast their confidence, but the problem is on the students who are very disrespectful, noisy and don’t want to listen to each other because of their differences that they need a very understanding an patience teacher like Mr. Marin.
                The statement that made me wonder and think is the statement of one student that was told   to Mr. Marin by his student at the end of the year “ I didn’t Learn Anything” in the future  if I will be told by my student the same statement, I think I will ask myself what is the matter with me or my style of teaching and my method then I will ask my student what is the reason why he/she doesn’t learn anything then through my students answer I will find ways where  to begin the changes and improvements for my teaching.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Postscript – Some Random Thoughts on Demonstration

         Demonstration this is a method of teaching in which teachers perform certain activity that learners will imitate. In Demonstrating we must always keep in our mind that we must get and sustain the interest of our audience our demonstration must be clear, focused yet simple, and the most important thing is that we must not hurry our demonstration specially when there are too many important things to be discussed so that we can impart full knowledge to the learners, because when we hurry on demonstrating things we are not actually demonstrating we are just presenting and the worst thing is our learners heard a lot but learn a little. That is why on demonstration we must always bare in mind that even though our learners have a little bit experience on things that we are going to demonstrate but still we must assume that they does not have any knowledge or skill so that our demonstration would have a great result.  

The Art of Questioning

In teaching learning process questioning is important because it is one way of having conversation with the learners and in that you can measure or you will know what  have they learn from the teachers, it is stated that a good teaching also involves good questioning.
In questioning we must consider its types like question that is according to the thinking process and from low level to high level questions, to the type of answers that is needed and the degree of the exploration and values of persons.
Questions have descriptive categories they are The cognitive Memory question this is rage in the low level of questioning because it is just simply recalling things learned, The Convergent Questions this still belongs to the low level questioning because still recalling information that will lead to correct answer, The Divergent Questions this question is in the high level because it encourages students to think and this is applicable to essay type questions the last is the Evaluation which is still on the high level because it requires student to apply their critical thinking and value judgment to answer. A good question is simple, clear, definitive and adaptive to the age, abilities and interest of the learners.

Classroom Management

Classroom Management is a very important thing in teaching and handling learners because we are all aware of the different abilities, attitudes and behavior of the learners. There are approaches that will help teachers in handling classroom management the first approach is the assertive approach this is specific to orientation of the rules and regulations of the classroom and the consequences for disobeying the rules, the second approach is the Business Academic Approach this approach is on organizing and managing students as they engage in academic work, in this approach the teacher must have clear communication with the students specially the standards of the assignments and projects and their absents, this also includes the monitoring of the learners and the feedback of the learners. The third approach is the behavioral Modification approach in this approach teachers must understand the causes of the behavior of learners like what kind of environment they have in their community and their home that shaped them then motivation is applied if there is something that needs to be changed in learners behavior.
Group Managerial Approach this approach is observing the behavior of learners in responding to group and present any problems that might occur specially on the behaviors of the learners.
In classroom management the classroom environment is also needs to be considered the physical environment of the classroom, its intellectual climate and emotional climate that suits to the learners level, the social climate and the emotional climate that meets very learners behavior and personality.
A classroom that has good classroom management is conducive for learning and mental health, learning also becomes interesting and enjoyable under favorable working conditions.

The Seminar


      Seminar this way usually happens in a groups and the purpose of this one is to inform, to solve problems or enhance skills and abilities. In preparing a seminar we must consider the topic that will be discussed, the mastery of the facilitator or the speaker of the topic and the skill the speaker that will guide throughout the seminar.

Methods of Teaching

                 Methods of teaching is one of the important element of teaching-learning  process and the choice of teaching method that teachers used depends largely on the information or skill that is being taught and may  also be influence by the students performance.
                The inductive method is the process of learning that starts from what is already known to what needs to be known the utilization of this method has 5 steps the preparation, presentation, comparison and abstraction, generalization and application.
                The Deductive Method is reverse of the inductive in which lessons starts from the specific cases then ends to the wholeness of the cases or study. Deductive Method has four steps the statement of the problem, Generalization, Inference and Verification.
                Project Method this is the practical unit of activity of learners involving the use of physical materials to complete the unit of experience the steps of project method are purposing, Planning, Executing and Evaluating.
Laboratory Method this method of teaching is teaching the learners to investigate problems and conduct experiments in a place called laboratory. This method offers opportunities the learners to get real experiences this also increase the learners interest and provide actual participation in developing the learners skills in using the laboratory equipments.
The Problem method this method is investigating only one case which is common and learners are studying the case exhaustively.
Lecture Method this is the usual way or method that is used in teaching because as I can see this is the simplest method to be performed and because most of the lessons that is being taught is best learned when it is explained by the teachers. This method has two types the Formal an Informal the formal Lecture is that teachers presenting lessons in the class is not interrupted and questions are entertained at the end of the lecture while the informal lecture is that along the way of the lecture conversation between teachers and learners are allowed.
Demonstration Method this method of teaching is simply showing learners what to do and learners just imitate the teachers in demonstration we must get and sustain the interest of our learners, it must be simple and clear, we should not hurry our demonstration and it is important that we must give written materials after our demonstration.
Metacognition Teaching Method this method is teaching the learners to become aware of and control their learning through metacognition process. The steps in metacognition process are planning, deciding, monitoring, evaluating and terminating.

Different Types of Lessons


                There are different types of lessons these are developmental lesson, supervised study lesson, review lesson, drill lesson, appreciation lesson and application lesson.
                Developmental lesson is a type of lesson to be learned in which there is new idea presented and then developed, there are two types of developmental lesson the formal which utilizes the deductive and inductive methods then the informal which uses the question and answer or conversational approach. In this type of lesson learners feel satisfaction because they are learning the activities independently.
                Supervised Study Lesson this is the lesson in which the teacher is giving the learners topic to study then the teacher is the one who is supervising under the direction and guidance of the teacher.
                Review Lesson this is the kind of lesson which the teacher is reviewing the past lessons and practice this lesson so that it will be mastered by the students or the students will deeply understand it.
                Drill Lesson this lesson is applicable in the outdoor activities because this develops the performance and the degree of particular skills learners possess, the guidelines to be observed in the drill lesson are motivation, focalization, repetition and attention and application.
                Appreciation Lesson this is the lesson where learners appreciate the lessons that was presented in a way of letting them to work their self to appreciate the lesson more.
                Application Lesson this is the lesson of applying whatever the learners learned in the classroom discussions, this type of lesson is used in the practicums and problem solving.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


                This is the classification scheme categorizes a wide range of learning outcomes into more manageable clusters that share some common dimension. This has 3 classifications the cognitive domain, affective domain, and psychomotor domain.
                The cognitive domain emphasize the mental skills and intellectual learning of learners and their ability and skills in solving problem tasks, this is performing tasks and recalling the previous learning and matching it into new acquired learning and then synthesizing bodies of learned information.
                The affective domain this domain is more on the emotional side of the learners, their behavior and the way they manage  their emotions, this is how they encompasses their likes, dislikes, altitudes, values and belief with others.
                The psychomotor domain this is the domain that deals on the physical ability and skills of learners this interprets the learner’s ability to perform of motor act.

Lesson Plan and Creativity Lesson Plan

                Lesson Plan is a very important tool for teacher, this serves as the teacher’s guide in every lesson that the teacher is going to tackle. Lesson plan includes the aims and objectives of the teacher for the subject matter or lesson that they are going to present to the learners.
                A good lesson plan must have a good objective for the learners that will motivate them to learn the lesson, a developmental content has validity, significant balance, self-sufficiency, interest, utility, learning ability and feasibility to help the student learn more about the lesson, the procedure of the teacher in presenting the lesson must have effective methods to take the attention of the learners to learn, and at the end the teacher must have some activity or assignment to measure or to examine whether the learners have learn.
                In creating a creativity lesson plan the teacher must have adequate knowledge of the subject matter, knowing the nature of its learners, familiarity with the variety of teaching strategies and different methods, materials and teaching aids and devices that will facilitate the teaching-learning process and through understanding of the objectives that relate to thrust of the Philippine education.

Unit Plan

               Unit plan shows the long-range goals and are means of organizing various aspects of the course or subject in which the study or lessons focus, this also serves as the basis for developing a set of related daily teaching plans and educational activity.
                Unit plan is composed of 5 parts the objectives this can be behavioral or non-behavioral it depends on the teachers strategies, Content this is the lesson or subject of your discussion or activities skills the  possible skills that will be acquired or used during the lesson, learning activities this are possible activities in the classroom in which learners will enjoy and at the same time learn effectively, resource and materials this are your references or the things that you are using to add the motivation and learning will be effective

Instructional Planning

               Instructional planning is the ability of the teacher to visualize and forecast what teaching-learning process all about is. There are two types of planning the mental planning and formal planning,
                Mental planning is the response of the teacher to a sudden event or situations and the Formal planning this is the usual things that teachers do, this is doing activities in an organized and very well set way which is carefully planned.
                In making instructional planning a teacher must also prepare a course study on mapping this serves as a long-range guide for the subject in doing a course study the teacher must consider and identify the details, the content, the concept, the skills and the values to be taught for the entire course.
                Instructional planning is important because it is the presentation of the clear total picture of lesson for the day, week, month, semester or the entire year.

Functions of Teaching


                 In teaching its function includes administering the class, informing and explaining to learners, motivating learners and developing learners attitude and knowledge, there are types of learning’s in which learners can learn effectively these are social learning in which learners learn through its social learning environment and with the people which surrounds them and the observational learning in which learners learn by observing and watching other people this learning needs the learners attention, retention, ability to reproduce the behavior, motivation and reinforcement to learn. There are also several laws of learning the law of readiness this is the need for motivation and preparation of learners mind-set, the law of exercise this is practicing the learners mind to master what he learns and the law of effect this is characterized by the responses, which are followed by satisfying after effects to be learned and repeated.

Cognitive Learning

               Cognitive learning this is our intellectuality of knowing and thinking, this is also the study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak and solve problems.
                Learning new information results in modification of memory, especially when we are learning through our experience. There are 7 comprehension skills that we  can develop as learners, these are analysis, focusing or scanning, comparative analysis, narrowing, complex cognitive, sharpening and tolerance this skills are used when we are in the middle of solving problems.
                Weinstein and Mayer proposed that learners also have 7 thinking strategies that will develop more our intellectuality and mental capacity they are the basic rehearsal, complex rehearsal, Basic elaboration, complex elaboration, complex organizational, Comprehension monitoring and Affective.

Principles of Learning



                From this topic I learned that learning is most important thing in teaching-learning process that in learning process the teachers must consider the different levels of the learners to make the learning more efficient also the teachers must consider the readiness of the learners to learn because when the learners are ready their response in learning is active and it would be more easier for them to gain knowledge.
                Motivation plays a great role in learning because through motivation learners’ attention are being focused on the subject. There are two types of motivation the extrinsic motivation in which learners are motivated because of the reward or punishment and the most effective motivation because the learners are motivated through its own desires to learn and gain knowledge.