Saturday, July 7, 2012

Qualities of a Good and Effective Teacher


During the first week of our discussion in our lessons we tackle about the qualities that makes a good and effective  teacher, I learn that there are two qualities that a teacher must possess it is the Personal and the Professional Qualities.

The Personal Qualities this is all about the personal being of a teacher how he handles his self like the personal appearance, the pleasing voice, how to show kindness to the students, and being helpful to the students needs specially in learning the lessons.

            The Professional Qualities this is being a professional teacher, as a teacher you must have knowledge on your subject because if you know everything about what you are teaching it is not difficult for you to share your knowledge to your students, the other professional qualities are understand your students and their ways of learning.

            We also watch a video presentations about a teacher, this videos is about the teacher and their role in the life of the students and their capacity to change students life through the simple things that they do. I also learned in the video that it is not just us students who learn from our teachers but they also learn from us.

            This made me realize that whenever we are and whatever we achieve in our life we must always look back to those people who give us lots of learning’s and thank them for everything.

1 comment:

  1. you are right..we must not forget those people who who give and share their knowledge to us..
