Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Information Processing

From the discussions of the topic about the information processing I learned how the information was processed in our brain. It first enters into the sensory registers were information was received and was being stored for a very short period of time for processing and forwarding to the next stage of process the Short-term Memory this is the one who hold the limited amount of information and is responsible in organizing it for storage or discarding and connecting it to other informations stored in the Long-term Memory it is the last stage of processing information where informations being forwarded is stored for a long period of time and is free to be rehearsed, retrieved and connecting this to other information for future use.
 I also learned the three theories of learning and how to apply this for classroom teaching the first theory is the cognitive learning theory which focuses more on the memory of the learners and the other two theories the Information processing theory and the commulative learning theory they are more on the application for proper teaching and imparting knowledge to the learners. 

1 comment:

  1. when we are observe it, analyze it and apply it it the information grow and will retain as long as we decide it. The experience will give individuals a discovery that will make them learn.
