Saturday, July 14, 2012


     The first reporter discuss about learning and I learn that learning is defined as modification of behavior through experience, I also learn the nature of learning and its approaches the experimental which is to find out the nature of learning process and the clinical is to find out the setting and satisfaction of learning situation. The reporter also discuss the theories of learning which is the Behaviorist Theory and it deals with things that can only observed and the organismic and Gestalt and field theories this theory states that a man can learn by his own response we also tackle about Kolb’s research and its cycle of learning, the learning action that without action we can’t learn and without learning there will be no action, the information processing theory and the theories under it.

     Learning is a lifetime process, because every day in our life we learn different things from our experiences, the only constant thing in this world is change and we need to cope with those changes and through it we learn.

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